If you have registered with i4 previously, you do not need to complete our application form again, simply call our sales team on 0203 603 1290 or drop us an email at hello@i4services.uk so we can reactivate your account with us.

Fields with a red border are required

Personal Information

First names:
Last name:
Address search:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Address 4:
Address 5:
Post code:   If your address is outside the UK, please enter NONUK in this field.
Email address:
Re-enter Email:
Home phone:
Work phone:
Mobile phone:
Date of birth:
NI Number:
Referred by: How did you hear about i4 ?

Bank Details

Name of bank:
Name of account:
Branch sort code:
Account number:

Recruitment Agency or Client

Agency name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Address 4:
Address 5:
Post code:
Consultant name:
Consultant email:
Phone number:
If you have more than one agency, please include all relevant details in the Explanatory Notes section below.

Assignment Particulars

End client:
Start date:  
End date:
(Leave blank if not known)
Have you worked for this end client at this site in a similar role within the last six weeks?

Limited Company Billing Rate

Billing rate: (£)
Per hour /day
Payroll frequency

Starter Checklist

This information is required to ensure that you pay the correct amount of tax.
If I have a P45 from my previous employer I will send you part 2 and 3 as soon as possible.
You must complete this declaration:
This is my first job since 6th April, and I have not received any employed income, occupational pension or taxable State benefits in current tax year (since the 6th of April).
This is now my only job, although I have received employed income, occupational pension or taxable State benefits in the current tax year (since the 6th of April).
I have another job, or receive an occupational pension, or receive taxable State benefits.

UK Student loan

(not for student loans in countries outside the UK)
I have a UK Student Loan which is not fully repaid and I left a course of Higher Education before last 6 April. (Do not tick this box if you are repaying your Student Loan direct to the Student Loan Company by agreed monthly instalments).
If you have ticked the box above, then please also tell us which Student Loan Plan you have:
I have a Plan 1 Student Loan (Applies wherever you studied in the UK, unless you have a Plan 2 or Plan 4 loan).
I have a Plan 2 Student Loan (Only if I lived in England or Wales and started my course on or after 1 September 2012).
I have a Plan 4 Student Loan (Only Scottish student loan borrowers who received loans from the Student Award Agency for Scotland (SAAS)).

UK Postgraduate loan

(not for postgraduate loans in countries outside the UK)
I have a UK Postgraduate Loan which is not fully repaid and:
  • I lived in England and started my Postgraduate Master’s course on or after 1 August 2016; or
  • I lived in Wales and started my Postgraduate Master’s course on or after 1 August 2017; or
  • I lived in England or Wales and started my Postgraduate Doctoral course on or after 1 August 2018
(Do not tick this box if you are repaying your Postgraduate Loan direct to the Student Loan Company by agreed monthly instalments).

Explanatory notes

Use this section to enter any further information which you feel may be relevant to your application

Terms & Conditions

  1. I am a temporary worker and will be supplying my services to multiple end-clients during the course of my employment with i4.
  2. I am entitled to work in the UK and will supply proof thereof when requested to do so, and I hereby give i4 permission to run any necessary employment checks with the Home Office on such information supplied.
  3. The limited company billing rate (also known as the agency pay rate) is the rate i4 will use to bill your agency for your services, and is the total of: (a) the gross amount payable to you, including provision for paid leave entitlement, plus (b) provision for employment and administrative overheads.
  4. I am aware that i4 may retain an administration margin per week worked from the limited company funds received from my agency/end client, any such margin will be confirmed in my assignment schedule.
  5. There are no joining or termination fees.
  6. I agree to abide by i4's Expense Policy.
  7. The information that I am now supplying is correct.
  8. I consent to the information that I am supplying to be passed to other i4 group companies in order that they may properly carry out their duties, rights and obligations. I understand that this information will be used for personnel, administrative and payroll purposes. We never share your information with other 3rd parties, other than HMRC other associated agencies.

Having trouble with this form or unsure of your answers? Just tap this button to send us an email and we'll help you out.