03 Jul Building a Good Relationship With an Umbrella Company
Good relationships are the foundation of business, helping them to thrive more effectively in an atmosphere of encouragement and support. So, it’s vital to get things right. Here we look at how you, as an end client or a recruitment agent, can foster a good relationship with your umbrella company.
What can your umbrella company do for you?
As well as providing responsive and accurate payments for contractors, being their employer, providing them with the in-work benefits they’re entitled to, and dealing with all tax and National Insurance issues on their behalf, umbrella companies also offer recruitment agents and end-clients a host of other benefits.
The most obvious one for recruitment agents is an umbrella company’s ability to handle your company’s payroll. Here at i4 we offer recruitment agencies an extremely cost-effective and efficient payroll service which means that you not only save money but also that you’re free to concentrate on your core activities and grow your business.
Whether it’s dealing with and interpreting new legislation when it occurs, and passing on our knowledge to you, or being able to deal with all ‘paperwork’ in an eco-friendly way online, we always do our utmost to support the agents that we deal with in as many ways as possible.
For end-clients having your contractors work through an umbrella company eases your burden too. Not only do they each receive an individual Key Information Document (KID) outlining the terms and conditions of their employment but they’re taken care of as an employee by the umbrella so you get the benefit of their experience and expertise with no full-time commitment.
Getting the most from your umbrella company
As well as practical support that a recruitment agent or end-client receives from an umbrella they’ll also get less tangible benefits.
Recruitment agents have the opportunity to develop a real partnership with an umbrella in every sense of the word. One of the most important elements of any business relationship is the people involved. That’s why, here at i4, we employ a highly-experienced and knowledgeable team of customer support staff who are on hand to answer questions for both agents with queries and contractors who need answers.
And because many of our customer service team have been involved with recruitment in the past they have an in-depth knowledge of exactly what stresses and strains you’re under, so they can be proactive in their response to your queries and help you add value to your own brand.
For end clients, although you may not have direct contact with the umbrella company that your contractors work for, the advantages you receive are still important. You’ll have the advantage of a flexible and responsive workforce that you know is being looked after, both in terms of them getting paid quickly and efficiently, and also them receiving all the in-work benefits they’d expect, such as paid holidays, auto-enrolment into a pension scheme, and a record of continuous employment which is so vital if they’re applying for a mortgage or credit. This means that you benefit from having a highly-motivated team of people at your back to enable you to prosper and grow your business organically.
For both recruitment agents and end-clients, making the most of the already high-quality products we offer is simple – you just have to ask. We pride ourselves on being honest, open and transparent with everyone we deal with and to make our partnerships truly functional and fruitful we welcome questions, however difficult or off-topic, and we’ll always do our best to provide answers when you need them.
Getting in touch couldn’t be easier. Simply call us on 0800 084 3058, email us at hello@i4services.uk or fill in the form here. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to meet with us in person we run an open-door policy at our offices and welcome visits so you can meet the team you’ve been dealing with and put faces to names.