08 Feb Love is in the air
2020 was a year of learning. Learning how to ‘share screens’ and ‘unmute’ while for some of us it was a year of dealing with loss and isolation. It was a year of considerable lows but also morale-boosting highs. The ‘Thursday clap’ for the NHS, free school meals for children and the return of wildlife to our open spaces. 2020 taught us that no matter what, we have the ability to recover and transition. So what does 2021 have in store for us?
Spring time can be a period of self-realisation, where we look inward rather than outward and focus on ourselves. What we want to achieve, what goals we want to set, lifestyle changes we want to adopt. In the world of finance, spring is also a period of re-birth and growth with the start of the new tax year. It is when HMRC publishes its new tax bands, changes to minimum wage rates, and any legislation changes are usually made law at the start of a new tax year. This year promises to see a huge shake-up in the contracting sector, with the IR35 private sector reforms. More of that in later news articles throughout the year!
February is also a month of romance. Whether that be starting new relationships or re-kindling existing ones. This Valentine’s Day will be different to others, there will be no candle-lit dinners, or romantic getaways to plush hotels. It will be a cosy night in instead. Wherever you spend it and whoever you spend it with, it will still be a day to reflect on how the relationships in your life are working for you. Perhaps it is time to start something new? Perhaps it is time to work harder on your existing ones. Whatever the outcome, you can always rely on i4 to be a dependable and reliable partner.
We may have a new identity giving us a modern new look to an already dependable and reliable brand, but our core values remain the same. Provide our clients and customers with trustworthy and honest guidance and advice.
Whether you are on the lookout for a new payroll provider for your contract work, or you simply wish to return to i4 and start working with us again we are here, and welcome you with open arms. So why not take the plunge, jump on board the i4 love train and let us whisk you off into the sunset!